On this page you will find practice videos. Click here for an introduction. There are two sections: one is common phrases, the other is a list of vocal and speech exercises. Just click on the sentence and the video will play. For the exercises I have provided recordings at both a slow speed for practice purposes and getting accustomed to singing the exercises, and then at a speed closer to the normal fluency of the phrase. Be sure to practice each one singing and speaking, as well as trying them on your own after you’ve practiced.
Common Phrases: These phrases are strict Modified Melodic Intonation Therapy phrases. These are most effective for those with Non-Fluent Aphasia and Apraxia of Speech (no matter the underlying cause), although can be helpful for those with other speech deficits. With individual sessions I will typically compose phrases that are more geared to the individual client; phone number, address, name, birthday etc. Here I have provided a list of “common” phrases.
Good Morning, How Are You Today I Need a Drink of Water Let’s Go For a Walk
Will You Get Me a Cup of Coffee I Have to Use the Bathroom Today is a Nice Day
The Weather is Lousy Where Are You Going When Will You Be Back
Excuse Me What Time Is It It’s Good To See You I’m Hungry, It’s Time To Eat
Could You Help Me Please Thank You Very Much Have A Nice Day
Will You Get Me A Cup of Tea Good Morning/Coffee Combo Nice Day/Walk Combo
Vocal/Speech Exercises: These exercises work on a few different issues. The melodies of most of these exercises are composed as MMIT phrases making these helpful for those with non-fluent aphasia and apraxia of speech. Each exercise focuses on one, sometimes two, specific muscle activation areas, making them quite effective for those with dysarthria, spasticity or muscle weakness in, and around, the mouth and/or throat area. The exercises have been grouped according to the placement of the initial sounds of each word. The recordings help stretch out the vocal chords allowing for improved vocal health which is helpful for anyone suffering from any type of speech/language disorder.
Awkward Alice Ate Apples at an Airport SLOW NORMAL
Cold Crane Crash Crushes Carefully Cleaned Cars SLOW NORMAL
Gold and Green Geckos Getting Grapefruit and Guava SLOW NORMAL
Granny Grills Grits for Gorrillas SLOW NORMAL
Only Lonely Owls Openly Operate on Orange Orangutans
Quirky Brown Bears Quickly Breathing Quicksand SLOW NORMAL
Dogs Dance Daintily Down Dark Dreary Driveways SLOW NORMAL
Laura Liza Lola and Lily Love Living Life Luxuriously SLOW NORMAL
Little Nurse Nancy Likes to Lick Her Lollipop SLOW NORMAL
Tea Time Tomorrow Is Ten Twenty SLOW NORMAL
Thank Those That Think Thinks Thoroughly Through SLOW NORMAL
Frontal: Interior:
Charlie Chaplain Chooses Chewy Chunky Chocolate Chip Cookies
Jenny and Jody Gingerly Juggle Jittery Jello and Jam SLOW NORMAL
Rocky Raccoon Rides Ridiculous Red Roller Coasters SLOW NORMAL
Sally Sells Seashells by the Seashore SLOW NORMAL
Single Spaced Sentences Sound Somewhat Simple
Six Shiny Silver Sharks Swimming for the South Seas SLOW NORMAL
Strictly Speaking Surgical Sutures Should Seem Seamless
Zealous Zebras in Zoot Suits SLOW NORMAL
Frontal: Exterior:
Babies Babble Violins Vibrate SLOW NORMAL
Four Ferocious Foxes Foraging For Food SLOW NORMAL
Five Friendly Fireflies Flitting for Fun
Mommy Made Me Mash My M&Ms SLOW NORMAL
Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers SLOW NORMAL
Pleasant Plums and Plump Pleasing Pomegranates SLOW NORMAL
Whose Hands Hold Hearts Harps and Hangers SLOW NORMAL
Witches Warlocks and Werewolves Wearing White Wacky Watches SLOW NORMAL